Made In Japan
Kyoto-Tokyo 2014
Architect – the deviser, maker, or creator of anything
Traditionally, Architecture has been about designing buildings. Today our planet is under pressure, and Architecture has become more of a complex matter; not only function, aesthetics, and tectonics shall melt together and materialize as a building or structure. Sustainability and resources, recycling, environment, preservation, culture and site specific considerations are all closely related to Architectural design and needs to part of the practice today. This site describes some of the softer aspects and thoughts about what Architecture and its related arts and sciences could and should advance towards over the coming years.
Kyoto-Tokyo 2014
Recently I opened a box of analogue shots from a trip up the coast of Northern California way back in 1998. Some really cool stuff emerged… The photos were taken
Kyoto 2004
If you happen to see this page, you landed on my test site 🙂